Website Design Standards

Intuitive Navigation

Customers first. Your website should be easy to use. Paying attention to user experience is crucial for a successful website. Plan all the sections of your website in advance, making sure that your visitors can easily reach the information they are looking for. They should be able to jump from one section of your website to the other in as little steps as possible.

Minimalistic design

Less is more when it comes to web design. Strip all the elements that aren’t necessary. Your website will look better and work better. Avoid text and videos that are too long, complicated animations and everything else that can slow down your website and annoy your visitors. You want a website that functions seamlessly.

Clear Communication

Websites area about communication. Content cannot be separated from design, because the design will depend on what kind of message you want to send to your audience. Design can help you make your message clear, and bring your point across. Make sure that the content is divided in short, compelling sections that follow logically from one another.

Leaving a good first impression is everything in web design, because with so many options out there, visitors don’t have the patience for websites that they don’t find interesting at first glance.


Always make sure that your website looks good on mobile. Put the most important section at the top and let users scroll down to see the rest. The viewers of your website should be able to learn what your website is about within 5 seconds of landing on it.


Colours should not be all over the place. You should choose a colour palette and stick with it. Great tool for this is Paletton that creates colour combinations for you.

Images need to be top quality. If you use low-resolution images, your website will look unprofessional. Hire a photographer. Also, your images should be unique, because they are a great part of making your website stand out. Rather than using stock photos, hire a photographer or take photos yourself.

Always add extra space around text, images and other elements of your website. This way, your website won’t look overcrowded and confusing, but clean and intuitive. Your viewers will find information and grasp content much faster.

Homepage elements

Important home page elements include About Us, Overview of Services, Product Features, Testimonials and Contact Info, but this list can be expanded to accommodate your needs. The first thing visitors should see when they open your website is your value proposition: a short, memorable and effective statement that sums up all the important things about your brand and your offer. Think of it as the essence of your business.

Links to Social Media and Social Media Buttons

If you want people to follow you or you want to enable them to share your content on social media, you will have much more presence online, which means more people that are likely to learn about your brand.

Top Trends in Gambling Website Designs

If you plan to start running an online casino or a sports betting website, or an affiliate site such as this one for the promotion of the Caesars Casino online, it is crucial to have a design that looks professional and trustworthy and at the same time stands out from the crowd. The website is the first thing your customers will see and its look and feel will determine the impression they have of your casino/bookmaker, i.e. it will either make them want to stay or leave. That is why we’ve compiled a list of the most important trends and norms for building a professional gambling website.

Minimalistic Design

Don’t try to put all the information about your website on your welcome page and don’t cram it with commercials, banners, videos, etc, that aren’t really necessary. It will look shabby, and visitors will feel overwhelmed and attacked. They will probably also be frustrated because of the longer loading time. Instead, opt for simple, elegant design with all the necessary information displayed in the front. Point out the most important traits that make your casino different from all the rest and explain the registering process and your offer as straightforwardly as possible.

Intuitive Navigation

Your customers should be able to navigate your website in such a way as to easily get the information they are looking for. In particular, they should be able to start gambling in as little steps as possible. Try to make things easy for your customers and you will be rewarded with loyalty.


Online gambling these days increasingly takes place via the phone. By making your website mobile-friendly, you will attract and keep more customers. Your website design should enable users accessing it on the phone to easily find information by scrolling, and in general enjoy the same experience as PC users.

Quick Loading Time

If you include too many videos and animations, the result is going to be a sluggish website that customer find irritating. Aim for the small number of well-chosen animations and videos that represent your brand in the best possible way. Today’s world is speeding up and customers have less and less patience. Respect their time and you will be rewarded.

The Look

When it comes to aesthetic trends, aim for a look that combines the sharp and modern style of a professional corporate website with the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas. Think futuristic, but not pretentious. Choose colours that represent your brand. The bright and colourful design will make your website look fun and cheerful. Since most casinos use green, red and black, you might want to avoid these obvious choices. Choose a unique mascot that people can relate to and let it tell the story of your company or include it in the tutorials. All these little touches will make your brand really stand out.

Build Trust

We live in the age of cybercrime and an important part of your website should be devoted to spelling out how important security is for you and how you intend to protect your customer’s private information. In addition, you might want to include the testimonies from satisfied customers, social media endorsements, security trust badges, and a section where users can meet your team. This will build trust, personalize the experience and your customers will feel they are dealing with real people who care about their needs and their privacy.

The Most Interesting Gambling Websites Online

Are you one of those people who dislike sports and is therefore not a huge fan of gambling either? Well, what if we tell you that you can gamble on other things than sports as well? The internet is full of websites that allow users to make their own, personalized bets, or bet on strange things with a MyBookie promo code. Some of these allow you to bet for real money, others allow you to bet just for fun.

Below, you can find our selection of the most interesting gambling websites on the internet that are definitely worth checking out.

YouBetMe is a platform that allows you to create your own custom bet for any occasion and bet your friends. You can choose one of the suggested bets, which are just bets that people choose often, or you can think of your own.

You can do it easily by visiting the website on your smartphone, tablet, or your PC, or you can do it via SMS. This is awesome if you are in a location where you do not have internet access but you still want to make the bet official and not allow your friends to wiggle their way out if they lose.


The funfair is a revolutionary new website that combines the blockchain technology with the casino industry. It has the potential to completely change the gambling industry both for the operators and the players. This website uses Ethereum technology to deliver high quality, high security, low cost, transparent casino experience.

FunFair uses a combination of powerful peer-to-peer cryptography and networking to ensure fair odds and to improve the security of players and their personal data on online gambling sites, which has been a big problem for as long as online gambling sites have been around.

Hollywood Stock Exchange

The Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX) is an interesting gambling website that allows you to place bets for virtual money. Therefore, you can have fun, while not having to spend your hard-earned bucks.

It is a multiplayer, web-based game where players use fake money in order to buy or sell shares of movies, directors, actors, and other movie-related things. The website was founded by Max Keiser and Michael R. Burns in 1999.

So, if you are a movie buff and you enjoy everything related to the movie industry, you will love this website. You can use it just to have fun, or you can use it to practice before you enter the real stock exchange market.

Media Predict

Media Predict is another free website that will allow you to have lots of fun and hone your gambling skills for free before you go on to bet real money. This website allows you to predict any media-related stuff that is popular at the moment or that is set to happen far in the future.

Some categories that you can bet on include TV, Games, Sports, Politics, and many others.

5 Best Casino Websites for Design Inspiration

Casino websites use many psychological tricks to attract users to their platforms and to keep them there. For online casinos, the situation is a bit different – no matter whether it is the websites that offer promotions for casinos such as the PokerStars Casino PA bonus code or the online casinos themselves, their own survival depends on what their websites look like. When it comes to land-based casinos, the websites are used more for promotional purposes and attracting players. The more I was browsing through them, the more a pattern started becoming obvious.

This pattern consists of 5 main principles that should be followed to make a successful and powerful casino website design. Some casinos are more successful at this than others, so I’ll show you one great casino design for each one of the five principles. Let’s get started!

  1.   Casino Monte Carlo – Keep it Simple

Casino Monte Carlo is one of the most popular and most successful online and land casinos in the world. When we take a look at their website, that should not surprise us at all. The key to a successful casino website design is in simplicity. Don’t cram many options and buttons on the front page and make it swim in information. A good home page should have just several important pieces of information and options. Just like Casino Monte Carlo does.

  1.   City of Dreams Manila – The Power of Colors

Colors have a very powerful impact on the users. You can use colors to send a message or achieve a certain state of mind in the user. City of Dreams Manila is a great example. The moment you enter the website you are greeted by colors yellow and orange. These colors are generally associated with wealth and gold and leave a powerful impression on the users. That is why City of Dreams Manila is a very successful casino.

  1.   Casino Helsinki – Real People

The photos you choose for your website will, naturally, play a very important role in its success. Therefore, using photos of real people will make a real difference in your conversion rates. If you take a look at Casino Helsinki, when you enter the website you can see a lot of real and relatable people who are having fun at their casino and winning lots of money. That is a powerful web design and psychology trick that you should consider.

  1.   Adelaide Casino – Call to Action

If you want the users who enter your casino website to be more than just spectators, you need to have a powerful call to action solution. Adelaide Casino is a casino with a web design and a call to action that you can learn a lot from. When you find yourself on the home page, you are right away invited to check out their promotions and bonuses. It tells you how you can benefit from taking part in their games and why you should do it right away. So, make sure to incorporate this element into your website design if you want it to be successful.

  1.   Casino Canberra – Spend Money

Last but not least, you have to spend money in order to make money. Casino Canberra seems to have learned this lesson. Having a successful casino website means making it exciting for the gamblers. What better way to do it than by offering plenty of promotions? Your design can help here by making the promotions visible and easily accessible, just as it is in the case of Casino Canberra. At first, it might seem you’re spending a lot, but the returns will soon outweigh the losses.

5 Key Website Design Ideas and Tips

Having a great underlying idea for your website is definitely important. However, just having thought-provoking content is not enough unless your design is on point and it can captivate a reader’s attention.

A good web design needs to be easy to understand and to add to the overall theme of your website while improving the functionality and user experience. Here are 5 ideas and tips on how to take your web design to another level.

  1.   Less Is More

We live in the age when readers’ focus is very short. Thus, your content needs to fit the attention span of the readers. Few people actually read every word on a website. Instead, we quickly skim through a page, looking for relevant information and keywords that are of interest to us.

That is why it is important to keep your website as minimalistic as possible, especially your homepage. This is the part of the website that is going to grab the attention of your readers, so it needs to be organized, relevant, and informative.

  1.   Organize Your Pages

The moment the reader accesses your page, they need to know what information is the most important and what information is not so important. There needs to be a hierarchy of content because you have only a couple of seconds to get someone’s attention.

The best way to do this is to play with size, contrast, font, spacing, and other visual formatting styles. Make sure that there isn’t anything on your website that is attracting attention to itself unintentionally.

  1.   Readability Matters

Readability is a measure of how easy it is for readers to discern between different words, phrases, and sentences. When a website has a high readability, it means that it is not cluttered with content and that readers will have an easy task of finding the info that matters to them. So, keep your sentences short, use more active than passive sentences, and generally use simple sentence construction to keep your readability high.

  1.   Simplify Navigation

Everybody likes information that is easily accessible. When a reader enters a website, they expect to find what they are looking for within a couple of clicks or they will take their search to another place. So, make sure that your navigation is simple and that it makes sense. The most important is to make it intuitive so that it guides the reader through the website on its own.

  1.   Be Mobile Friendly

Most readers nowadays enter websites on their phones, while they are on the go. Therefore, ask yourself what they are seeing when they look at their tiny screens. Test every page on your smartphone and make sure that your website is mobile friendly and easily navigable on all devices.